Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lots of Changes

Alot has changed here in my urban zoo. BIG fish tanks. Guinea pig MANSION. and new additions. In the upcoming posts I will try and get this blog up to date because I'm definitely far behind.

Monday, June 17, 2013

My Guinea Pig Cage

In Owen's cage he has an area for sleeping, eating, and going to the bathroom. Provide lots of chew toys because, like hamsters, rats, mice, guinea pigs etc. their teeth grow continuously and need to be worn down. The brown circle hanging from his cage is a mineral block. Im not sure if he even uses this but I saw it at Petco and thought why not. Always provide timothy hay and continuous water supply.

My Roborovski Hamster Tank

Mia in her sand

There is a lot going on in this tank. Remember that there are 2 hamsters in this cage and I have provided toys and wheels accordingly. Only dwarf and robo hamsters can be housed together. Although in pet stores you will see other types of hamsters together, such as syrian hamsters, this is only because they are young and have not yet claimed dominance. They will eventually create a hierarchy and hurt each other.  Try to have one wheel per hamster. If you can't do that you must have at least two wheels if you have more than one hamster in a cage. This should help avoid fighting. I love fiddle sticks (the rainbow sticks). They are great to create hideouts and tunnels. The two story house is also great. My little ones sleep in the bottom level everyday. As pictured above I have a sandbox for my Robos. They absolutely love playing together in the sand. I know I have said this time and time again but DO NOT use DUST only use SAND. If you use chinchila dust your hamsters will get respiratory problems and could die. Don't put your little ones in danger and just buy chinchila sand.

My Fancy Hamster Tank

This is a 37 gallon tank. I created an extra level using hooks I found at my local hardware store. This tank has a combination of hamster, ferret, bird, and other small animal supplies. I can't stress enough that hamsters should not be housed in the cages that are advertised for hamsters. Those are too SMALL!! I know this tank is big but at least try a 20 gallon. Really try to make their tank interesting and fun. Change up all the toys and other items every once and a while to keep them interested. I have clips holding the top on because Squishy loves to climb. 

My Agressive Tank

Plants: The two plants in this tank are live, but they are not doing so well. I think they are being eaten. I do not have any fake plants in this tank. 

Decorations: The rocks in this tank are called cichlid rocks. They are amazing for agressive fish because they provide hiding space for everyone. Make sure you have a lot so that a dominance problem does not arise. You may loose fish this way. I also have slate rock in this tank. I used it to make more hiding areas by leaning it against the cichlid rocks. 

- 2 Oscar Cichlids 
- 1 Blood Parrot Cichlid 
- 1 Pleco
- 1 Blue Crayfish (Lobster) 
-1 Striped Catfish

My Semi-Agressive Fish Tank

Plants: This tank has only one live plant, the rest are silk and plastic.
Decorations: The shipwreck and castle provide hiding spaces for the fish.
- 1 Betta
- 2 Snails
- 1 Dwarf Gourami 
- 1 Gourami 
- 1 Kissing Gourami
- 1 Cory
- 3 Rosy Bards 
- 1 Bala Shark

My Community Fish Tank

I've decided to put up photos of all my tanks. I should have done this so long ago but I had camera issues. Hope these photos help anyone trying to set up a new tank.

I have a few live plants in this tank. I bought the plant in the front right hand corner with the white streaks. I grew the plant all the way in the back that is basically just three green lines from a bulb. If you can grow plants in your tank it is a good sign that everything is good for fish and plants alike. Most of my other plants are plastic or silk, 

In this tank I have a skull, hollow treasure chest, and some other structures with fake plants. 

- 2 Dalmatian Mollies 
- 1 Balloon Molly 
- 1 Blue Electric Ram 
- 1 Angel Fish
- 2 Female Guppies 
- 1 Male Guppy 
- 2 Neon GloFish (Pink, Yellow)
- 1 Albino Cory
- 1 Rhino Pleco